Level Up Gateway February Dev Update
This past month we’ve continued Level Up Gateway’s push towards level 10 and eliminated more bugs thanks to your diligent bug reports. The Rogue, Adept, Cleric and Herald are all supported up to level 10 now (adding to the Fighter and Wizard from last month).

Adventures in ZEITGEIST Receives Major Errata [UPDATED]
As most of you probably know, the setting book Adventures in ZEITGEIST was produced before the core Level Up books, and as such is a 'halfway' book between O5E and A5E.

Level Up Gateway January Dev Update
This past month was the start of our very first testing phase where we opened up Level Up Gateway to backers of the 2021 Level Up Kickstarter where people made hundreds of characters, campaigns, rolled dice and reported bugs. The bug reports have been a huge aid and we’ve been following up with 6 patches full of fixes to issues like deviations from the rules to page freezes. For more detail on bug fixes the changelog page details each change.